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  • Introducing Spark Plugins

Spark Plugins

Spark now has plugin support! With plugins, you can create reusable actions with ease, without copy/pasting code between files.

How to create a plugin

To create a plugin, simply create a function:

// This is an example plugin for a 'owner only' slash command plugin.
// For a text command plugin, you'd just have to use message instead of interaction.
import { SlashCommandPlugin } from '@spark.ts/handler';
export function ownerOnly(ownerIds: string[]): SlashCommandPlugin {
  return {
    // Description of the plugin, this is mainly for documentation.
    description: 'Only allows the owner to run the command.',
    // Logic for the plugin.
    async run({ interaction, controller }) {
      if (ownerIds.includes(interaction.user.id)) {
        return controller.next();
      await interaction.reply({
        content: `Only these people can run this!\n${mapUsers(ownerIds)}`,
        ephemeral: true,
      return controller.stop();

Adding plugins to commands

To add a plugin to a command, you can add the function inside of the plugins option in the SparkCommand.

For example, if you'd like to add the ownerOnly plugin to the command, you'd use:

import { SparkCommand } from '@spark.ts/handler';
export default new SparkCommand({
  type: CommandType.Slash,
  // Example id -> '283312847478325251' (Duro#5232)
  plugins: [ownerOnly(['283312847478325251'])],
  run({ interaction }) {
    // This only executes if the ownerOnly() plugin passed.
    // You can use this plugin to check for an owner, or just as a template.
    interaction.reply('You are allowed to use this command!');


With plugins, you have the controller option in the run function. With the controller, you can specify when to stop or continue with the action.

For example, if you'd like to return an Err, or specify that the plugin failed, you'd return controller.stop(). This would make the command execution stop.

If you'd like to continue with the command, you have to return controller.next(), this means that the controller should continue with whatever action.


Here's a flowchart that shows the execution of commands: